Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week 18 - Schole' in Practice

This week's Schole' moments were spent with some special guests that involved puppies and politics!  Join us this week as we put Schole' into practice in our community…  

Morning Time

We continued to explore our newest virtue of the week, perseverance.  We did an object lesson today to explore the idea of persevering, using a bowl of water and some modeling clay.  Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures to share from our morning time this week, due to a camera malfunction.  We ended our discussion with our Bible memory work and marched around the sanctuary doing our Jesus cadence!

Great Books

The kids read the story of Apollo and Artemis, as well as Medusa and Athena.  The children were introduced to the concept of character and continued to review the concepts of antagonist, protagonist and the elements of a story.  

Fine Arts

Exploration of shadow and learning how to apply it to their colored pencil work, was the focus of today's lesson.

Schole' Lunch

*SGCA is not endorsing this or any specific candidate for office*
Our special guest this week was Frank Roche, who is running for NC's 2nd District in the coming election.  He shared with the kids a variety of information related to being a politician and running for office.  He opened it up for the kids to ask questions and interestingly, the students asked a lot of questions about debt and economics!  He promised to come back and talk in more detail about economics another day! 

Schole' Playground

It was a mighty cold day for NC, but our kiddos were tough and spent their half hour outside playing a new four corners game today!  One of the terrific benefits of playing structured group games that I saw this past week in Community, occurred when the kids were let out of a class early.  They had to wait until they could head to the next class that hadn't released yet.  Interestingly, they all began a group game of Ninja together in the foyer area, unprompted by any teacher, which warmed my heart to see their inclusive group mentality when they had some free time.  


Our students worked on an art math project.  The kids worked on graphing the number of color blocks in the sample art math project.  Then they worked on making their own design.

Science -Special Guest!

This week we had a special guest for our nature study week.  A trainer from Guiding Eyes brought in a couple of her puppies in training.  She spoke to the students about how the dogs are trained and the ways that humans are benefitted by these beautiful companions.  The kids got a chance to role play being blind and being a service dog!  They quickly saw how important a job that these animals do for those with disabilities in keeping them safe.  The kids loved having the dogs there and learning all about them and the important job they do for the blind.


Latin today was learning words that pertained to where things are.  Then the students played a team game of four in a row to review their Latin vocabulary.

It was a wonderful Wednesday!

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