I found a link to a cool website that had the 4 systems (biosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere & hydrosphere) at Link to 4 systems and then I made tags for the kids to identify which one went with which. Next we glued circles for the crust and mantle down. Then we took a small round ball of playdough and flattened it to put in the center for the core. I used two sided sticky tape to mount the playdough to the construction paper circles and the label to the playdough. The rest of the tags we just glued down. Next we made an earth model out of playdough. We used Red for the inner core, Yellow for the outer core, Orange for the mantle and blue for the crust. We then put green "shapes" that resembled continents for the final touch. We cut them in half with a sharp knife sawing back and forth so they don't "squish" down. We mounted these with two sided mounting tape. Very easy to do and the kids definitely know their layers of the earth and spheres!

Thank you for indulging me --- "You know... this is like the one project I remember making in grade school...." "We KNOW!"