Friday, August 24, 2012

First Week of School

These are some of the books we're reading for fun that match up with the first 12 weeks of Cycle 1 Memory Work.

The kid's Homeschool Week Wall - a place to display what they've worked on for the week.  This is right on the way to Daddy's evening chair - so he sees what they've worked on each day and can ask questions and talk about it with them.  It also inspires the kids to work hard because everyone sees what they do when they come over.  Holds us accountable to do our work too.

This year's Memory Work board - we keep it up and it's in Daddy's area.  Gives him an opportunity to ask them questions or quiz them and we use it to do our new week's grammar.
The kids working on their school projects together....

First day of CC Community and my awesome Class!  :)


  1. Great ideas. Books look great. Was is your source for the books you use to go along with the CC curriculm? Also love your kids homeschool week wall. I imagine I would need one for each of my boys? How do you store the work when it comes off the wall? Thanks

  2. The books on the table are ones that I picked up from our local used book store. I'm addicted! I buy based on the general themes we're studying. Like Africa, Egypt, Mesoamerica etc. I just look for ones that have great photography or realistic drawings and good content - they don't have to be "classics", although we read those two. These are books that my daughter will read on her own mostly. I buy various reading levels - some that are easy readers (below her reading level but good pictures), some that are at her level and some that are beyond her level and let her look through the fabulous pictures and read what she can and then we read them together later or I help her with words she gets stuck on. For our homeschool week wall - I put both kids on one wall but I have a friend who does a wall for each kid. I think it depends on your space and output of written work. :) When it comes off the wall, I store in a clear plastic bin labeled for that year/grade/child to store at the end of the year.
