Monday, September 12, 2016

Schole' in Practice -Friday, Week 1

Our new adventure continued with a full day on Friday - all grades on campus from 4 years old to middle school!  It was certainly more dynamic than Wednesday, but very blessed.  

We have started a new program in partnership with a local retirement community that is located next door to our campus.  Our new 4-6 year old class is scheduled to spend their afternoons up at their facility playing, singing, reading and interacting with the residents.  The smiles and laughter on both sides was amazing!  I saw first hand how this ministered to young and old alike. I give praise to God for His good plans, as I watched months of prayers and planning come to fruition through His faithful servants (our Academic Mentors) facilitating all this joy.  

Our special Schole' guest featured this week was Ms. Jill Johnson, author and creator of Kindermonkey!  Jill did a great job engaging students both young and old with her fantastic books and of course, her playful monkey!  Join us as we put Schole' into practice in our community…

Nature Study

Music Theory

Math Practice


Fine Arts

Schole' Playground

Schole' Guest - Kindermonkey

4-6 Year Old Class' Day...

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