
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Year 2 - Week 3 - Crusades and Food Chain Project

Year 2  Week 3   Food Chain Project
Sarah's final project
Wonderful Wednesday this week was all girl week!  They dressed up as Crusaders for our history.  We had to laugh as they were off having a "sword fight", when we heard "Oh! I'm sorry, are you OK?...I like your shield?... That's a really cool battle axe!"  We decided that it would be a very different Crusade if women had been the warriors! It may have been something like this... "Oh wow - that's a fabulous helmet...where did you have it made?", "Is that the latest battle axe?" or "Wow that chain-mal sparkles so great - what did you use on it?" LOL

 We started as we always do, working through our lapbooks to begin our morning together.  
Today's project was on the food chain, to compliment our science memory work.  We first did a project from that you can find HERE.  We discussed producers, three types of consumers (primary, secondary and ultimate), decomposers and the difference between food chains and food webs.  Then we made a pyramid with card stock that is described (including the template to print) in the link.

Then we did a project to create our own visual food chain using felt.  (Felt seemed medieval - don't you think?)  I had free handed some outlines of various plants and animals that might be in a food chain and cut some large white rectangles of felt to use as our background.  I also got out a variety of embellishments the kids could use such as google eyes.  Then let the kids decide what their food chain would look like and how they would embellish it to make it their own.
This was what was set up for them - a variety of materials and two possible examples.
Idea 1 - Fish Food Chain
Idea 2 - Forest Food Chain 
They all chose some version of a forest food chain!
The above was their final creations.  Each was a little different.  I was surprised none of them chose to do a fish food chain - after all, isn't the beach fabulous?  Then again, fish just couldn't be as "cute" as mice, frogs and hawks for girls!  I didn't get pictures today while the kids were in process creating their designs because I was too busy drawing, cutting and helping to hot glue!  


  1. super great idea! Beautiful kiddos!

  2. Too funny! Just thinking about your "girl crusaders" reference makes me giggle! Being bombarded by boys, I don't get the insight into what it would be like with girls so much, so THANKS for sharing that! [In fact, most of the people around here have boys - the boy to girl ratio at our church is something like 10 to 1. lol!]

    Thanks again for contributing to the Cycle 2 Weekly Link-Up!

