
Saturday, January 12, 2013


You all know I love Karen Gill's lapbooks!  She's awesome and has worked so hard to put together such wonderful lapbooks to coincide with our Cycles for CC.  We use them each week in Wonderful Wednesday's to begin our time together as a group and learn our new week's memory work.  She has recently come out with an additional supplementary lapbook for our Cycle 1 Orchestra!

I took a look at it and I love it!  It is so detailed in the information that you can go beyond the lapbook with, that Karen provides.  You can go as deep as you decide with each composer and regarding the orchestra.  Her hands on lapbook portion is fabulous, colorful and interactive, as always.  This is another fine product from Karen.

So...beginning on Monday January 14th you can enter to win a FREE Orchestra Lapbook that coincides with our Cycle 1 orchestra studies!  In order to be entered automatically just use the link on the right side of the page to share my blog on your facebook page or tweet it.  The giveaway will end on Monday the 21st and the winner(s) will be given the download for this great new resource for CC families.  I have 2 lapbooks I can give away!  So begin sharing and entering!!  Good Luck!!